Google Keyword Planner vs. SEMrush

October 04, 2021

As a marketer, having the right tools to help you research and analyze keywords is essential. Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush are two of the most popular tools out there, and each has its unique features. In this post, we'll go over the key differences between the two, so you can decide which one is best suited for your business.

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that provides keyword ideas and the monthly search volume for each keyword. It's intended for use with Google Ads campaigns, but marketers can use this tool to perform keyword research and analysis for SEO purposes.

Some of the benefits of using Google Keyword Planner include:

  • Provides a large number of keyword ideas
  • Offers data on search volume, competition, and suggested bid for each keyword
  • It's free to use

However, it's worth noting that Google Keyword Planner is not the most accurate when it comes to providing search volume data. The tool combines closely related keywords, resulting in less precise data, and it only provides information on Google searches.


SEMrush is a popular paid tool that provides a range of features for keyword research and analysis. It offers insight into keyword trends, provides data on keyword difficulty, and lets you compare keywords side by side.

Some of the benefits of using SEMrush include:

  • Provides accurate search volume data and keyword difficulty scores
  • Offers a range of additional features, including site audit, backlink analysis, and more
  • Let's you track your keyword rankings and monitor your competitors

However, SEMrush can be a bit overwhelming for new users, and it comes with a steep learning curve. The pricing is also a bit on the expensive side, with plans starting at $99.95 per month.

Which tool is right for you?

Both Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush are powerful tools for keyword research and analysis, but each has its unique features and limitations. If you're on a tight budget or just starting, Google Keyword Planner can be a great starting point. However, if you're looking for a more professional and detailed approach, SEMrush is the better option.

No matter which tool you choose, remember to use the data as a guide rather than a definitive answer. The best approach is to use multiple tools and compare the results to get a more accurate view of the keywords you should target.


So there you have it, folks! We hope that this post has helped you make a more informed decision on which tool to use for your keyword research and analysis. And as always, don't forget to add a little bit of humor into your marketing strategies!

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